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  1. Published by: Beth Kinnane
  2. Info: Knoxville, TN, former journalist, currently a thoroughbred pedigree consultant & always a politics junkie.

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synopsis - The Burnt Orange Heresy is a movie starring Elizabeth Debicki, Donald Sutherland, and Claes Bang. Hired to steal a rare painting from one of the most enigmatic painters of all time, an ambitious art dealer becomes consumed by his

Giuseppe Capotondi

Claes Bang

Tomatometer - 6,1 / 10

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PRODUCTION 1: David Zander – MJZ 2201 CARMELINA AVENUE 90064 – Los Angeles, California, United States Tel. 310 826 6200 PRODUCTION 2: William Horberg - WONDERFUL FILMS 77 Cornell Street #117 Kingston, NY 12401 PRODUCTION 3: David Lancaster - RUMBLE FILMS 6555 Barton Ave. 2nd Floor CA 90038 – Hollywood, United States Tel. 323) 688-1851 PRODUCTION 4: Daniel Campos Pavoncelli – Indiana Production Via Edmondo de Amicis, 53 20123 - Milan, Italy Tel. + 39 02 86894470 WORLD SALES: Nicole Mackey - HanWay Films Limited 8 Basing Street W11 1ET – London, United Kingdom PRESS OFFICE: Jonathan Rutter – Premier 2‑4 Bucknall Street WC2H 8LA – London, United Kingdom.

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